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M3 Marine scale 270x270 pansize

M3 Marine scale 270x270 pansize

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Introducing our high-precision, multirange scale designed for accurate weighing at sea.

With accuracies ranging from 0.5g to 15kg, it's the perfect tool for precise measurements. Say goodbye to weight fluctuations caused by waves and vibrations, thanks to its built-in motion compensation feature.

Our scale is tailored for the fishing industry, agriculture, and scientific research, delivering reliable performance even in harsh marine environments. Its waterproof and robust design ensures durability and longevity.

Experience convenience with our built-in reporting and statistics, allowing you to track and analyze your data effortlessly. Customizable printing options let you personalize your reports.

Don't wait any longer, as we offer worldwide shipping. Contact us today to discover more about our top-of-the-line scale, built for accurate marine weighing.

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